Cost Segregation
Engineering-based cost segregation studies permit commercial real estate owners to reclassify real property for depreciation purposes and reclassify it as more rapidly depreciating personal property. This reclassification results in significant cash flow benefits in both present and future years through considerably shorter depreciation tax life and accelerated depreciation methods. Note, these studies are not limited to new buildings or new renovations.
Property Tax Mitigation
Outside of income taxes, the single largest recurring charge for commercial property owners is property taxes. In most states, owners are required to pay taxes on both their real estate as well as their personal property. These charges are often an immense expense and a constant hit to the bottom line . To ensure you are not being overcharged on your property taxes, a specialist with extensive market experience in valuation, tax, and law is needed.
R & D Tax Credit
Engineering-based cost segregation studies permit commercial real estate owners to reclassify real property for depreciation purposes and reclassify it as more rapidly depreciating personal property. This reclassification results in significant cash flow benefits in both present and future years through considerably shorter depreciation tax life and accelerated depreciation methods. Note, these studies are not limited to new buildings or new renovations.
Workforce Hiring Incentive
The Research & Development Tax Credit was originally enacted as a Federal Tax Program in 1981 and was designed to encourage American investment in innovation. In 2004, tax regulation changes significantly expanded this credit opportunity which is available to many small and medium sized companies whose activities include design, manufacturing and process improvements. Companies that qualify for this program get significant tax credits based on activities related with developing or